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Company news

  • Civen invites you to the exhibition(PCIM Europe2019)

    Civen invites you to the exhibition(PCIM Europe2019)

    About PCIM Europe2019 The Power Electronics industry has been meeting in Nuremberg since 1979. The exhibition and conference is the leading international platform showcasing current products, topics and trends in power electronics and applications. Here you can find an o...
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  • Can Covid-19 Survive On Copper Surfaces?

    Can Covid-19 Survive On Copper Surfaces?

     Copper is the most effective antimicrobial material for surfaces. For thousands of years, long before they knew about germs or viruses, people have known of copper’s disinfectant powers. The first recorded use of copper as an infectio...
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  • What is rolled(RA) copper foil and how it make?

    What is rolled(RA) copper foil and how it make?

    Rolled copper foil, a spherical structured metal foil, is manufactured and produced by the physical rolling method, its producing process as following: Ingoting: The raw material is loaded into a melting furnace t...
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